Tokaikko (都会ã£å, pronounced “toh-kai-ko”) means city girl (or city child) in Japanese. I guess it’s pretty apt for someone who has lived in a city-state her whole life. This domain was registered on 24 Feb 2010 with, after deciding that I should probably move on from my old domain, (29 May 2001 – 2010). Currently hosted with Surpass Hosting, and blogging on the WordPress platform.
Plugins used
Audio Player by Martin Laine
Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi
Cross-theme Stylesheets by Scott Sauyet
Custom Smilies by Crazy Loong
Exec-PHP by Sören Weber
Smart Archives Reloaded by Scribu
Time Since by Rich Manalang
Viper’s Video Quicktags by Viper007Bond Stats by Andy Skelton
WP-PageNavi by GaMerZ
Icons by famfamfam, GraphicPUSH
Smilies by Rellie (, site now down)